Looking for rental assistance help in Oakland, CA?
Here’s some helpful info: To comply with State of California statute AB832, the City of Oakland is now accepting landlord inquiries to determine whether or not their tenants have filed for emergency rental assistance. Requests for information from landlords can be directed to HCDinfo@oaklandca.gov by completing and submitting the form below. Renters who want a copy of their rental agreement must provide the following information: their full name, complete address, phone number, and email address, as well as the tenant’s unique application ID number (if they have one).
The federal government earmarked funds for rental assistance in the event of an emergency. The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) – Round 1 of high inflation’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) is now open. Oakland received direct support for $12.8 million. This authorization allowed funds to be distributed directly to jurisdictions with populations of more than 200,000 people.
Direct financing of $12.8 million has been awarded to the Keep Oakland Housed organization (KOH). With a specific emphasis on housing stability and homelessness prevention, the goal of this program is to help Oakland’s most vulnerable inhabitants live more secure lives. In addition to ERAP-Round 1 grants, CDBG-CV funds are being used to promote outreach, housing stability, and related legal services in the community.
Oakland will be able to expand its support for KOH initiatives even further following the receipt of an additional $19.6 million from ERAP-Round 2 and an additional $12 million from the California State Legislature.
By the ERAP1, ERAP2, and SRA2 packages, a new Emergency Redevelopment Authority Plan (ERAP) will be implemented to keep Oakland dwellings in place until September 30, 2022.
ERAP for Landlords
Property owners requesting assistance with rent arrears should expect to spend around 25 minutes filling out the following form, depending on the number of tenants asking for assistance. All of the following documents are required: a rental agreement, a W-9, tenant contact information, and proof of rent payments.
All tenants for whom a property owner is requesting financial assistance are required to complete the “Tenant Information” and “Rent/Lease Information” parts of the financial assistance application. ERAP Providers determine if your renters qualify for assistance with unpaid rentals under the United States Treasury Guidelines. If your tenants do not qualify under these guidelines, you will not be eligible for assistance (s).
Additional Resources
* For Tenants:
Rent Adjustment Program, Oakland, CA
Centro Legal
Email: tenantsrights@centrolegal.org
East Bay Community Law Center (EBCLC)
Housing and Economic Rights Advocates (HERA)
The East Bay Rental Housing Association
Email: membership@ebrha.com