Chester County ERAP
The Emergency Utility and Rental Assistance program serves Chester County residents and can only be accessed by calling 2-1-1 and selecting the prompt for “Housing Crisis.” The program is only available to Chester County residents and cannot be accessed by anyone else.
Individuals and families who are compelled to pay rent and who meet the following three requirements will be eligible for financial assistance:
- During tough economic times, you may be eligible for unemployment benefits if you have experienced a decrease in household income, incurred considerable costs, or faced financial hardship, either directly or indirectly.
- Demonstrate that you are in danger of being homeless or experiencing housing instability.
- Have a household income that is equal to or less than 80 percent of the region’s median income (Income limits are subject to change per guidance from the federal government).
- $52,950 for a family of one
- $75,600 for a family of four
Priority of service will be given to qualifying candidates, who include those who meet the following criteria:
- Households with an individual or individuals who have been unemployed for at least 90 days previous to applying for aid, as well as households with incomes at or below 50 percent of the area median, are eligible for assistance.
- Households who are behind on their rent or utility bills are at risk of being evicted or having their utilities disconnected.
Resources for the Program
Frequently Asked Questions About the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (FAQs)
Checklist for the Applicant (Lista de verificación para el solicitante)
Rights and Instructions Regarding Appeals
Flyer for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (in Spanish).
Postcard from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (in Spanish)
(Released on April 8, 2021) Chester County Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance Press Release
Households that have been approved as of today (updated on October 31, 2012)