Patrick K

10 Articles written
Fresno CA rental assistance

Understanding Eligibility for Fresno’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Apply Now to Avoid Eviction Getting 100% of your rent and utility bills reimbursed to qualified tenants and landlords is now possible. Fresno has received around...

The Impact of the Alachua County, FL Emergency Rental Assistance Program on Local Housing Stability

Alachua County, FL Emergency Rental Assistance Program: A Lifeline for Vulnerable Families The Alachua County Emergency Rental Assistance Program was created to help residents in...
Tallahassee/Leon County, FL rental assistance

How the St. Petersburg Emergency Rental Assistance Program Supports Families in Crisis

St. Petersburg FL ERAP To achieve its objective, the St. Petersburg Housing Authority (SPHA) strives to offer qualified people of St. Petersburg safe, clean, accessible,...
delaware emergency rental assistance (delco era)

Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (DELCO ERA)

Delaware County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (DELCO ERA) DELCO Emergency Rental Support (DELCO ERA) provides rent and utility assistance to tenants who experienced disruption and...

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