Hinds County – Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, Hinds County is giving emergency financial assistance to qualified tenants and landlords on behalf of eligible tenants who reside in Hinds County and are experiencing financial challenges as a result of their situation.

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Hinds County Emergency Rental AID Program (HCERA) gives $7 million to assist households who are unable to pay their rent. It is the Hinds County Emergency Rental Assistance Program (HCERA) that administers the funds provided by the Emergency Rental Assistance Program of the United States Department of the Treasury directly to the Hinds County Board of Supervisors.

An eligible tenant or landlord may submit an online application for rental assistance if they meet the eligibility requirements. The available cash will be applied retroactively to past-due rent from March 13, 2020, to the present, with the possibility of extending the payment period for three months into the future.

The Hinds County Rental Aid hotline at 601-514-0137 or help@hindsrentalaid.com can assist you if you are unable to complete the online application.

Denise Madison

Originally from Toronto, Canada, Denise Madison, age 34, is an expert in housing policy and rental assistance. Denise earned her Master’s in Public Administration from McGill University, focusing her thesis on the effectiveness of rental assistance programs in major Canadian cities. After graduation, she worked with the Canadian government before transitioning to a consulting role in the United States, aiding in the enhancement of federal housing policies and programs. Denise is known for her practical workshops and seminars aimed at landlords and tenants, fostering better understanding and compliance with housing laws. When not at work, Denise cherishes time with her husband and their three young children, exploring the outdoors and teaching them about the importance of community involvement.

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  1. I did a application for some rental and utility bills back in April this year and I haven’t heard anything. I did the application for hinds county aid and I haven’t heard anything.I also sent all the documents that was needed.


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