Horry County – Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

impacted by inflationResidents of Horry County who have been directly or indirectly impacted by inflation are eligible to apply for the Horry County Emergency Rental Assistance program, which provides rental and utilities assistance to qualifying residents. This program necessitates the completion of a variety of documents to determine eligibility and, if qualified, the amount of financial help that can be awarded to each applicant.

If you have any questions or need assistance with this application, please call the ERAP Line at 843-492-2600, which is operated by the Eastern Carolina Housing Organization (ECHO).

Please check your spam folder if you haven’t received any emails from horrycountyerap@echousing.org. This is because most of the contact for this program is done via email.

Criteria for eligibility as a landlord include the following:

  • To make a payment to the landlord of the rental property, you must provide a valid W-9 form.
  • It’s important to note that any rental arrears submitted for consideration are exclusively for Horry County homes.
  • If you are not the owner of the property, the management company must produce paperwork stating that you are allowed to accept payment on behalf of the owner.
  • Before submitting his or her application online, the applicant must read and agree to the whole set of Terms & Conditions. Please take the time to thoroughly review the application before submitting it.

A Housing Assistance Processor will contact tenants referred to Horry County ERAP by their landlord to determine eligibility and willingness to participate.

Criteria for eligibility as a tenant include the following:

Criteria for eligibility as a tenant

  • The applicant must be a resident of Horry County, possess proof of residency, and be the primary occupant of the property in arrears.
  • During and/or as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, one or more adults in the household must have qualified for unemployment benefits, had a loss in household income, incurred considerable costs, or experienced severe financial hardship, and;
  • Adults in the household must be able to demonstrate they are at risk of homelessness or housing instability, for example, by showing a past due rent or utility notice, paying rent or quit notice, a court-ordered eviction notice, fleeing domestic violence, or demonstrating a documented inability to pay prospective rent.
  • A properly recorded rental contract or arrangement in which the Applicant is the tenant and is responsible for monthly rent payments, as well as the following documents are required:
  • The household’s income must fall into one of the following income groups or be less than that amount:
Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Income Limit $38,300.00 $43,750.00 $49,200.00 $54,650.00 $59,050.00 $63,400.00 $67,800.00 $72,150.00

According to HUD, 80% of Horry County’s Average Median Income. Income Restrictions | HUDIncome Limits | HUD

  • Before applying, you must read and agree to the entire Terms & Conditions.

Begin Your Landlord Application

Begin Your Tenant Application

Verify Your Status

Questions That Are Frequently Asked

If you are homeless, please call the Housing Crisis Line at (843) 213-1798 or visit https://echousing.org/get-help for further referrals and resources.

Denise Madison

Originally from Toronto, Canada, Denise Madison, age 34, is an expert in housing policy and rental assistance. Denise earned her Master’s in Public Administration from McGill University, focusing her thesis on the effectiveness of rental assistance programs in major Canadian cities. After graduation, she worked with the Canadian government before transitioning to a consulting role in the United States, aiding in the enhancement of federal housing policies and programs. Denise is known for her practical workshops and seminars aimed at landlords and tenants, fostering better understanding and compliance with housing laws. When not at work, Denise cherishes time with her husband and their three young children, exploring the outdoors and teaching them about the importance of community involvement.

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  1. Hello,My Name is Michele Singleton I have a previous Appication where i was helped with rent and i would like to re-apply for additional rental assistance,I will appreciate if you can contact me (ASAP)to up-date my rental Appication i can be contact at 854-218-0210.

    Sincerly,michele singleton


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