Montgomery, AL: Rental Assistance Program

Montgomery, AL Rental Assistance

Both landlords and tenants have access to the ERAMCo website, where they can register and apply for a rental unit online.

Beginning on March 13, 2020, tenants can apply for assistance from ERAMCo with the following expenses (which means you can request assistance with up to 11 months of outstanding bills):

  • Unpaid rent, current rent, and up to three months of future payment are due.
  • Past, current, and up to three months into the future utility and home energy expenses.
  • If there are remaining funds after the initial three months of support, you may ask for a further three months of assistance.

Assistance with Urgent Rent Payment in Montgomery County (ERAMCo)

Landlords: Do you have tenants who are experiencing payment delinquencies?
Tenants: Are you behind on your rent or utility payments?

Emergency Rental Assistance of Montgomery County (ERAMCo) can assist people in need throughout the whole of Montgomery County. Do you need assistance paying your rent or utility bill? We have emergency funding available for Montgomery County citizens (including past-due rent and utilities).

Application Process for Landlords and Tenants

Both landlords and tenants have access to the ERAMCo portal, where they can register and apply for a rental unit online. Call 1-833-823-0007 to speak with a customer service agent who can assist you with completing an application over the phone. The toll-free hotline can be used to receive assistance in a variety of languages.

  • The tenant’s payments must be applied immediately to the rent payable.
  • The application is incomplete without the signature of the Tenant.

How Do Landlords Apply?

  • Have a list of the delinquent tenants
  • Attempt to educate your non-English speaking tenants or those who have physical disabilities that this service is available.
  • Verify the eligibility of the identified families by gathering the necessary documents and having scanned copies of them available.
  • Scan and upload the signed application of the Tenant.


If your Landlord denies membership, you may still apply to ERAMCo on your own. ERAMCo is required to contact the Landlord to confirm the latter’s refusal of direct payments. If ERAMCo does not hear from the Landlord within the outreach period or receives written confirmation that the Landlord is opting out of the program, the tenant will receive the cash.

ERAMCo will contact the Landlord via email and/or phone three (3) times in a row to enroll them in ERAMCo. If no answer is received ten (10) days following ERAMCo’s initial contact with the Landlord, ERAMCo may release monies to the Tenant.

If an application requires supporting documents that cannot be given through email, ERAMCo will contact the Landlord via postal mail. If the Landlord has not answered fourteen (14) days after the enrollment request was submitted, ERAMCo is authorized to reimburse the Tenant.

How should I begin my preparations?

Check the list on the right titled “Do I Qualify?” to see whether your family is qualified.

  • Collect all required documentation.
  • Do whatever you can to inform your neighbors about the effort.
  • Because they will need to sign the application on your behalf, you should advise your landlord of your intention to apply.

How do I Apply?

  • Income limitations for households are set at 80% of the ERAMCo-defined Area Median Income (AMI).
  • AND a member of the household must certify in writing that they have: Either been approved for unemployment benefits, OR either: Saw a reduction in income; had to shoulder substantial new expenses, or were placed under significant financial strain as a result of the outbreak.
  • AND one or more members of the family must demonstrate that they: Are at risk of homelessness or housing instability by producing an eviction notice, past due utility or rent notice; OR Habitats where persons are at risk of harm.
  • You must have your primary residence in Montgomery County, where the rental property is situated.
  • Your application for rent or utility arrears cannot include any bills older than March 13, 2020.
Denise Madison

Originally from Toronto, Canada, Denise Madison, age 34, is an expert in housing policy and rental assistance. Denise earned her Master’s in Public Administration from McGill University, focusing her thesis on the effectiveness of rental assistance programs in major Canadian cities. After graduation, she worked with the Canadian government before transitioning to a consulting role in the United States, aiding in the enhancement of federal housing policies and programs. Denise is known for her practical workshops and seminars aimed at landlords and tenants, fostering better understanding and compliance with housing laws. When not at work, Denise cherishes time with her husband and their three young children, exploring the outdoors and teaching them about the importance of community involvement.

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