Chandler – Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

If you are unable to pay your rent, mortgage, or utility bills, we can help. The City of Chandler has grants available if you require assistance due to a loss of income or unexpected expenses. If you have previously received rent/utility assistance, you may reapply for additional funds.

Please apply for assistance through Maricopa County or the Chandler Salvation Army.

Maricopa County, Arizona

Chandler Salvation Army Rent Assistance

If you need help but do not live in Chandler, you can get it at:

Maricopa County Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Programa de Asistencia de Alquier de Emergencia

Rental Assistance

Those who are considering applying must first submit an application for pre-screening, which may be found on the Maricopa County website. You will locate details regarding the application procedure here.

Utility Assistance

  • Complete the pre-screening application that can be found on the Maricopa County website.
  • Please call the City of Chandler Utility Services at 480-782-2280 and let them know that your application has been filed successfully through the online portal provided by Maricopa County after it has been turned in.

Landlord Rental Assistance

If a landlord has tenants who are behind on their rent payments, the landlord has the option of seeking assistance on the tenants’ behalf.

  1. The Community Action Program of AZCEND requires landlords to fill out an application to be pre-screened for the program.
  2. The information required to assess whether or not the renter is eligible for the program must be submitted by the landlord.

The landlord is obligated to supply the tenant with a copy of the Landlord Application on Tenant Behalf Form, which requires a signature from both the landlord and the tenant.

Chandler Volunteers

You and your family are welcome to seek assistance from the Chandler Cares team, which operates out of the City of Chandler’s Neighborhood Resources Department and is available to assist you and your family with concerns regarding the present state of the nation. Please get in touch with the Chandler Cares Team if you have been laid off from your work, have unexpected bills, or need assistance with rent, utilities, food, or any other type of support. Chandler Cares Team


Denise Madison

Originally from Toronto, Canada, Denise Madison, age 34, is an expert in housing policy and rental assistance. Denise earned her Master’s in Public Administration from McGill University, focusing her thesis on the effectiveness of rental assistance programs in major Canadian cities. After graduation, she worked with the Canadian government before transitioning to a consulting role in the United States, aiding in the enhancement of federal housing policies and programs. Denise is known for her practical workshops and seminars aimed at landlords and tenants, fostering better understanding and compliance with housing laws. When not at work, Denise cherishes time with her husband and their three young children, exploring the outdoors and teaching them about the importance of community involvement.

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