Pima County – Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Tucson and Pima County’s Eviction Prevention, Rental Assistance, and Utility Relief Program (Online Application Portal Below)

Hello, and thank you for visiting the Eviction Prevention Program serving Tucson and Pima County. This website provides information about assistance programs for rent and utilities that are available in the city of Tucson and throughout Pima County.

This program allows both landlords/property managers and tenants to begin the application process, which requires both parties to supply information, and documents, and agree to mutual housing stability resolutions. The distinctive approach of the program is as follows: this program allows both landlords/property managers and tenants to participate. To move the process forward more quickly and demonstrate that we are all in this together, open communication between all of the involved parties is strongly encouraged.

Applying to join the queue will not ensure that you will receive finance. At some point during the evaluation of eligibility, the tenant will be asked for information to determine whether or not they meet the requirements set forth by the federal government. Following the submission of the required papers and a case worker’s verification that the case meets the eligibility requirements, funds are transferred to the landlord on the tenant’s behalf.

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Denise Madison

Originally from Toronto, Canada, Denise Madison, age 34, is an expert in housing policy and rental assistance. Denise earned her Master’s in Public Administration from McGill University, focusing her thesis on the effectiveness of rental assistance programs in major Canadian cities. After graduation, she worked with the Canadian government before transitioning to a consulting role in the United States, aiding in the enhancement of federal housing policies and programs. Denise is known for her practical workshops and seminars aimed at landlords and tenants, fostering better understanding and compliance with housing laws. When not at work, Denise cherishes time with her husband and their three young children, exploring the outdoors and teaching them about the importance of community involvement.

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